For the first time in Kazakhstan, a service for online insurance payments as a result of an accident begins to work - a simple service for difficult situations
On November 14, in Almaty, on the territory of the closed Club T, Freedom Insurance IC held a presentation of a digital platform for making online payments in case of an insured event.

Now, with the help of a new service, Kazakh car owners who have been involved in an accident will be able to receive compensation without long red tape with documents and trips to the office of the insurer. To do this, simply submit an application at the scene of an accident through a new service, and receive payment on the card.

“We have the opportunity to create unique digital products primarily due to the manufacturability of our state. Today's synergy between the state and business creates advanced fintech, and in terms of process automation, we are already ahead of many countries. In 2019, we launched an online purchase of CPLI VTS policies through the website and self-service terminals, which allowed us to sell almost 50% of all electronic policies in the Republic of Kazakhstan a year later. However, we all understand that insurance begins when an insured event occurs, and it is at this moment that it is important how convenient, fast and high-quality service a company can provide to its customers. The fact of an accident in itself is a great stress for its participants, and therefore the platform is designed to save car owners from additional time costs. I am confident that the simplification of procedures for processing insurance payments will be an innovative step for the entire industry,” Timur Turlov, CEO of Freedom Holding Corp, said in his speech.

In fact, the digital service for online payments is not a commercial project. First of all, it was created to provide Kazakhstanis with the fastest and most convenient process of receiving insurance payments.

How it works

You can independently go from an electronic application to receiving a payment on the website

To do this, you need to go to your personal account on the website through an SMS code and submit an application. Further, following the instructions, you need to take a picture of both cars at the scene of the accident from different angles (your own and the culprit of the accident), as well as the VIN code of your car.

After that, it is necessary to attach the following documents to the application: identity card, driver's license and vehicle registration certificate. You can do this by providing temporary access to digital documents, confirming your consent. After that, the documents of the car owner will be received automatically through the state portal “Digital Documents”. Also at this stage, you need to attach a photo of the protocol to the application and attach an accident diagram and explanatory sides to it.

Then, the car owner goes through video identification and thereby signs his electronic application, which is submitted to the insurance company for consideration.

Specialists check the protocol, the correctness of the information, the presence of an accident scheme and explanatory parties. If all the information provided is confirmed, the car owner receives an SMS message with the phone number of the appraiser, who will inspect the vehicle and determine the amount of damage. Upon completion of the assessment, you will receive a notification in the form of an SMS message. The process of document verification and damage assessment can take up to 5 days.

Insurance payment can be received in two ways: instantly to a Freedom Bank card or to a card of any other bank. In the second case, the money will be credited within 1-3 days. On average, the entire online payout process takes about 5-7 days.

“It is important for us that people know that thanks to modern technologies, they can not worry and not fuss when collecting documents, and wait months for compensation, as before. Now they will receive it on a bank card, in a shorter time,” said Azamat Kerimbayev, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Freedom Insurance.